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What happens when you sit next to Jeff Bieganek on a conference bus...

33 interviews with leaders of MBA programs later, we are thrilled to launch our new Sharing the Experience report 'Being the Changemaker: Successfully Navigating MBA Design Improvements and Innovation' today at the Graduate Business Curriculum Roundtable Symposium in Boston, USA. Sincere thanks to Jeff for his sponsorship and helping us to bring this idea into meaningful reality.

The complimentary report shares the experience of program directors at 33 business schools worldwide to help you ‘Be the Changemaker‘ through:

• understanding the drivers, barriers and influencers 

• engaging multiple stakeholders and leveraging their input

• fostering innovation

• embedding themes and specializations

• creating a culture of continuous improvement

• monitoring success

As we work ever more collaboratively with our clients, this has also been a more collaborative process than our previous reports. My thanks to my co-author Mark Thomas, PhD for his guidance, support and for putting up with many in depth discussions with me to shape the content and to both Mark and Gareth Howells for reaching out to their phenomenal networks to share the interviewing.

You can order this report from our website.

To our interviewees: we are so grateful to each of you for taking time to share your experience, ideas, challenges and solutions so very candidly. Without you, we simply would not be Sharing the Experience. Thank you – your copies are on the way to you!

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