Curiously, ‘White Rabbits’ is said on the first day of the month to bring luck.

Even curiouser (as Alice might say) and I suspect most of us approaching the new academic year will appreciate this thought, since the year 1420 the white rabbit has represented the hope that life will be more beautiful in future.
At Hardcastle & Associates, we understand our world has changed, that #businessschool To Do Lists have simply become more complex and after the summer, projects suddenly have deadlines looming. We’ve been thinking how best we can help you make an impact, when there is more to do but less time and resource available. Projects that are a priority for you are where we can make a difference, perhaps with the thinking and planning, or perhaps getting the doing done. Large or small, we have the expertise and experience to support you quickly, providing necessary market insight, strategic thinking and focus.
So DON’T trust everything to luck and DO be aware of the rabbit holes: whether it is marketing and communications, corporate and alumni outreach and engagement or accreditation and your school's identified areas for improvement: simply get in touch to find out about the practical ways we can help you deliver.