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Easy Terms or Reference

Reviewing your advisory board’s Terms of Reference provides an opportunity to rethink your board, its role and where you would like it to add value to your business school. However, obtaining example documents from other schools usually means trawling competitor websites or calling in favours from your network, resulting in your sample just being the examples you can get hold of.

At Hardcastle & Associates we like to make things easier for you. Drawn from our own review, you can now for a small fee, access our new Business School Advisory Board Terms of Reference Guide and Template, designed to sit alongside our free advisory board report:

- the template provides content you can easily adapt - the guide suggests ‘things to think about’ when tailoring the terms to suit your school’s specific needs - the quotes from deans and chairs are there, of course, to ‘Share the Experience’ Ensuring your board’s Terms of Reference are clearly defined will: - help prevent tensions through communicating expectations - create 'wiggle room' in case things don’t quite go quite as planned - support an all important two-way relationship between your board and school

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