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What we do 

Key to a good business school experience is exposure to and interaction with business and all the opportunities that can bring to both the school and its students.


The ‘Holy Grail’ that everyone is searching for sometimes seems impossible to find, but with effort and planning it can be within reach.


Knowing me, knowing you

If you want the conversations, you need to create the opportunities. We can help you plan a corporate engagement strategy and find the leads that will connect your faculty to the right people for research and consultancy opportunities and your careers and corporate relations teams to enhance the student experience and maximise employability outcomes that are so intrinsic to business school rankings and reputation.

Advisory opportunities

Whether you have an advisory board or are planning to set something up, we can help you find the right corporate connections to develop a supportive, interactive and diverse board to add value to your school on many levels. If you want to increase engagement, we can help understand motivations, measure impact and improve board member visibility – a win-win for all.


Recognise what you already have

Your school already has complex relationships with entrepreneurs, angels, corporate executives, public sector, charities, social enterprises and, and, and…. in fact, we often find that many businesses have multiple relationships with the same business school. Joining up those connections and managing those relationships can be challenging. We can work with your team to identify student and alumni employability needs, designing careers service provision and plans to ensure maximum engagement. We can help you understand what already exists, how to make the most of it and how to build from there.  After all these valuable contacts might not realise they need you and if they do may not know who to call.

Why not have a look at the case study below, or contact us for an exploratory conversation.

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